Trinny & Susannah: Norway

Makeover Reality Show - Series 2. Straight-talking style gurus Trinny and Susannah turn ordinary women into glamorous runway models. Set in a different city every episode, Trinny and Susannah identify women who could be beautiful and confident, but aren’t. With the help of their professional makeover team they bring about dramatic transformations. These once dowdy women are suddenly ready to strut their stuff and their lives will never be the same again. Zodiak Media | Mastiff for FEM | TVNorge

Trinny & Susannah: Norway

Makeover Reality Show - Series 2. Straight-talking style gurus Trinny and Susannah turn ordinary women into glamorous runway models. Set in a different city every episode, Trinny and Susannah identify women who could be beautiful and confident, but aren’t. With the help of their professional makeover team they bring about dramatic transformations. These once dowdy women are suddenly ready to strut their stuff and their lives will never be the same again. Zodiak Media | Mastiff for FEM | TVNorge